Plugins4Automate is giving away Chocolatey for Automate through September 2017!
Come grab some Chocolate for your Connectwise Automate RMM Platform. 3rd Party Application Management made easy!
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows (like apt-get or yum ,but, for Windows). It was designed to be a decentralized framework for quickly installing applications and tools that you need. It is built on the NuGet infrastructure currently using PowerShell as its' focus for delivering packages from the repositories to your computer.
Chocolatey For Automate
Plugins4Automate has harnessed the power of Chocolatey and brought it into the ConnectWise Automate RMM platform. This allows MSPs to control mass amounts of Windows systems and software applications in a very simple to use interface. In fact, managing software applications could not be easier when using the Chocolatey For Automate plugin for ConnectWise.
Free Chocolate
This Plugin is in a Free Beta version until October 1st 2017. You can download and use it in an unlimited fashion and with full functionality; the plugin and any documentation through the Beta period. There will be limited support for the product during the Beta, please post to the forums at with any issues you run across.