Habitat has reached it's 3rd anniversary and has become a big part of ConnectWise Automate RMM environments across the globe. Habitat is a collect of tools that enhance the RMM environment by adding to it new tools, functions and abilities. The MSP can use these tools to improve the productivity of the RMM and the people using the Control Center to manage customers.
Why Habitat? - Click Here To Find Out!
Habitat is great for MSPs using hostedrmm.com. You would be amazed at some of the little thing you miss when you in a hosted service. You have no access to Automate server logs, SQL, and you know nothing about your virtual environments status. Habitat has tools to help you.
There are a lot of Microsoft native tools that were not designed to be managed in ConnectWise Automate but Habitat has tools for those as well. Windows Backup Management Tool, Microsoft Safety Scanner Tool and Microsoft OneDrive Status Monitor tool all help to improve service delivery and tech's productivity.
Habitat provides some more exotic tools to help techs define service issues and troubleshoot client environments including the WiFi Location Scanning Tool and Agent Status History Tool.
Habitat even has you covered for that Chocolatey fix. Our Windows 3rd Party Application Management Tool allows you to manage Chocolatey across your environment and Client by Client.
There are many great tools in Habitat to explore, Power up ConnectWise Automate with Habitat.