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New SurfLog For ConnectWise Automate Plugin

New SurfLog For ConnectWise Automate Plugin

Are your clients employees wasting time on non-work-related Internet usage?

Does you clients Human Resources departments want some level or reporting if needed to take action? Are you able to provide that data with a click of a button?

For a long time, internet usage tracking has been the responsibility of the busy IT department, who tend to only have time to review the reports when there has been a significant incident that needs to be investigated. This proves to be a problem for department managers who want to know if their employees are being productive, without having to hover over their shoulders.

SurfLog for ConnectWise Automate provides not only the ability to audit usage but can assist in support tasks.  When you need to understand why there are peaks in network usage during certain periods, you can use SurfLog to analyze the surfing behaviors of the clients network at a high level. See patterns and determine high usage timeframes quickly with just a view of the console.. 

Through the month of November get a free months subscription to Surflog and test drive it for yourselves.


Use the promo code TRYSURFLOGFREE

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