The latest Patch Remedy for ConnectWise Automate has a few new improvements thanks to the good people in the Automate community.
As ConnectWise changes over to Automate 12, some of the things we use to rely on are disappearing. One of those items was the Ignite's Missed Windows counters that kept a list of agents that had 1 or more missed patching windows. In older versions of Patch Remedy, we would read those numbers and present them to the MSP in a manor that made it easy to see who was being skipped. One of the issues with this data is that it didn't keep a reason why the system was skipped just that it was skipped (X) number of times. With Automate 12 Ignite is going away and the new patching services do not currently track the missed windows as they once did. With the help of from the community we devised a way to monitor for patch windows and to probe the status of agents in that patch window to determine if a skip will take place and why. We then take this information and display it in Patch Remedy for the MSP to review. The agents will enter and exit this view as they successfully patch during normal patch windows and excessive misses will be counted. You will now be able to see who was skipped , how many times they were skipped thus far and why.
See the current status of an agent and the reason for its skipped window.
Determine when ConnectWise Automate will auto skip an agent for reason other than just not being available.
A MSP should always be in the know and Patch Remedy makes sure that data is visible!