There is some mumbling that Cubert is working on a new Squidworks (skunkworks) project that will allow a toolbox of goodies to work with a bunch of different RMM platforms. Lets get some comments from the developer.
Cubert ~ "This is absolutely absurd and completely unfounded! A toolbox that works on multiple RMM platforms, well that's just rubbish!"
The rumor mill has it that you have a working alpha ready to go beta at any moment, care to comment?
Cubert ~ "Being rubbish and all, I can not comment on that to much. But ready at any moment might be pushing it."
Cubert ~ "May I say one thing?"
Cubert ~ "Forget the rumors! There is no super automation toolbox full of goodies for MSPs using almost any type of RMM platform. It just doesn't exist."
Are you sure?
Cubert ~ "Almost absolutely!"
Ok , people you heard it hear first. A plausible denial of the project's existence.