Subscription Cancellation Policy
When it come time that you no longer need us.
Although we hate to see you leave, we understand that things change in business and there will come a time when you will need to cancel one or all subscriptions for your MSP. We make it easy to end any subscription by simply logging into your P4A account on our website, finding the subscription, and selecting the cancel link beside each subscription you want to close.
Subscriptions are prepaid for one month per cycle. If an account is canceled after the billing cycle then the subscription will remain active after cancellation for the term of the current subscription cycle. Refunds will not be given out for subscriptions canceled after the billing cycle. It is the responsibility of the MSP to cancel unwanted subscriptions. As a courtesy P4A will assist in canceling any subscriptions if help is needed locating the subscriptions or account access is required. Send emails to the helpdesk at with email information and we will assist you.
* Refunds are not given out for monthly billed subscriptions. Subscriptions will expire automatically at the end of the current subscription cycle.
Below is a step by step guide to canceling a subscription.
Surf to and select the "log in" link at the top. Using the email you setup the billing for the plugin under, login to the services.
Next, under My Account, select the manage subscriptions link.
Select the cancel link beside the active subscription, it will ask for a reason as to the cancellation.
There is a drop down list of canned reasons or you can use the "other" and put in your own reasons.
That's it, you have canceled a subscription.